Free Credit Report.Com Commercial1) What attention getting techniques are used?
The commercial is a song, so the main one is the song and the catchy lyrics. The emotions used are disappointment, regret and fun. It's disappointment and regret because the guy is talking about how he had to buy a piece of junk car because he had a bad credit report, and if he had gone to then he would have had a better car. Fun, because it's a catchy song and people are dancing and playing guitar in the back of the car.
2) What confidence-building techniques are used?
The guys in the car are smiling, and they're singing, which gives you a sense of comfort and you feel that they're friendly. The characters in the car are friend figures, and they're trying to advise you to go to so you don't make the same mistakes they did.
3) What desire stimulating techniques are used?
In this commercial, it is more shown what you don't want, rather than what you do want. They show the characters driving in a bad car, and getting laughed at by girls, so it makes you want to be in a different situation than the one they are in. The target audience is most likely young adults who are just starting out in the world, and are unaware of what to do about credits.
4) What urgency stressing techniques are used?
The commercial tells you that if you wait too long to go to, then you will end up with a bad car, or with a bad job, or in a bad home. It is saying that you need to act quickly to save your credit.
5) What response seeking techniques are used?
Telling you to visit to save your credit and yourself from a bad situation in life.